Timber used by Miro is sourced from forest plantations developed by Miro on degraded land areas. Miro’s plantations are Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) certified* and managed to the highest social and environmental standards.



Miro aims to have significant economic impact in the areas in which we operate through employment, community development and local procurement of supplies and infrastructure. We know that good relationships with our employees and community are critical for long term success. We strive for proactive, mutually respectful and lasting relationships with all our stakeholders. With local communities having a vested interest in the success of the Company, they work to promote and protect Miro.

Miro’s community development strategy includes education, access to clean water and alternative livelihood programs. Our mission for community development is to help communities help themselves though the economic independence the company brings, by providing employment in the local area. The Company welcomes working on community projects in partnership with NGOs and other organisations, whereby greater financial support can be provided to a project together with additional and specialist expertise.

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Whilst the Company is primarily a commercial timber operation, we believe strongly in the conservation and regeneration of indigenous flora, fauna and habitats. The Company therefore aims to ensure that environmentally sensitive areas, such as those along the edge of rivers and wildlife corridors are conserved and regenerated. Miro conserves all areas of natural forest, cultural heritage and other valuable habitats

The Company’s projects follow ecological and environmental principles, working closely with national environmental regulatory bodies and has a strong, experienced team working to ensure the highest environmental standards are achieved. The Company ensures the land is used wisely and maintained for the use of generations to come.




As a private company, with obligations to its multi-national shareholders, Miro is determined to show measurable positive social and environmental impacts, and this is done through an effective monitoring, evaluation and reporting system. Detailed social and environmental monitoring results are available in the Company’s Annual Reports. Miro aims to maintain the highest level of conservation and environmental protection. The Company has long term plans to safeguard and enrich areas of natural and indigenous forest in order to protect flora and fauna and promote bio-diversity.

This concept of sustainable forest management ensures a corporate contribution to the country, its people, the environment and the future.

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